“Mom are we there yet?” my 4 year old daughter R asked for the nth time. I told her to wait just a little more. Traffic was bad as usual but this didn’t dampen her mood or her older brother’s. We were headed to the Manila International Book Fair (which I visited two days prior). There were so many people when we got there! After two hours of inching our way through the endless maze of books , both kids made their purchases. Then we were off to our next destination – The Asia Pop Comicon at the World Trade Center!
The Marvel booth with the giant movie screen was the first thing we saw upon entering. “Wow!” we all said in unison as we looked up at the lifesize superhero figures surrounding the screening area. My son M, Ironman’s number one fan, immediately asked for a picture by the red and gold suit. It reminded me of attractions we had to line up for in Disneyland California. I gave my husband a thumbs up sign for suggesting this weekend jaunt.

After taking more photos with Hulk, Captain America and the Ultron, we made our way to the Star Wars booth. We chose thought bubble signs like “The force is strong with this one!” and “Go to the dark side” which we held up during the picture taking with R2D2, the stormtroopers and Darth Vader.
“Mom look!” M points to what seems like a 30-feet high Ironman attraction. “It’s the Hulkbuster! Remember from the Avengers Age of Ultron movie?” I didn’t but nodded my head just the same. We had to buy a shirt from the Comicave retail shop before we were allowed to join the long line. Thirty minutes and one tantrum from the daughter later, we made our way to the humongous replica. M excitedly climbed up to the cockpit while we found our places down below.

Shrieks from the crowd alerted us to the presence of roaming zombies. I felt my daughter’s hand close tightly on mine. The walking dead explained to her that they just had make up and costumes on. Click click . Another photo to add to our Comicon files.

The Lego booth was our last pit stop. I saw my daughter eyeing this section while she was crying by the Hulkbuster exhibit. As a parent I’ve already mastered the silent languages of my kids. I knew she wanted to join the group of young kids who were already building models using the colorful bricks but didn’t know exactly how to do it. Luckily one young boy gave up his spot and we were able to squeeze in the circular pit. “Come on sweetie! Show Mom how to build a beautiful pink castle!” Minutes later, she was happily chatting with the other toddlers while building her multicolored castle.

You know it’s been a fun day when your almost teenager thanks you for it. “Thanks Dad and Mom! Cool show!” M said as we settled in the car. M starts to leaf through his “Top Ten Of Everything” book. R copies her brother and opens her princess purse book. “Stop reading. Both of you might get dizzy,” their Dad says. Tired but happy, we all sat quietly during the ride back home.

This story can also be seen at http://www.mb.com.ph/best-day-ever/
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With a pocketful of glitter,
1 comment
That giant Hulkbuster is awesome! Another interesting feature 🙂 I’m a fan of Captain America 🙂