With everyone still reeling from the effects of the Covid pandemic, Watson’s recognizes that another (more) challenging problem looms over the entire world — climate change. So for its first face-to-face-event, the health and beauty care store invited guests who talked about carbon emission and ways to reduce it. Aptly titled “Do Good for the Planet,” the event was held in Moon Rabbit Cafe in San Juan.
Sustainability Director Viki Encarnacion said, “Watson’s encourages its customers to go green. We are here to promote a sustainable lifestyle by sharing with you how we, ourselves, reduce our carbon footprint.” Carbon footprint is anything and everything that contributes to global warming. It is the total amount of greenhouse gases, including carbon dioxide and methane, generated by unmindful actions.

Speakers included Jack Warren (Climate Partner), Rizza Sebastian (mindful entrepreneur), and Cat Trivino (Communities for Organized Resource Allocation) who each talked about their own individual sustainable journeys. From saying no to single use plastic, bringing refillable water jugs, biking/walking instead of driving, to choosing economy over business when traveling — each act contributes to a reduced carbon footprint.

Jack Warren shared an app that enabled all guests to calculate their own C-footprint. The global average is about 9.2. I scored 2 points above that (Online shopping is the culprit!). If I was free to travel I would have scored so much more because I will never choose economy. (I can actively go green but have to skip that.)
The Watson’s sustainability program asks its customers to do good for the planet by choosing products with natural ingredients, opting for refills and being cautious about package choices. Watson’s has over 1,200 sustainable products in its 900 plus stores and online channel nationwide.
With a pocketful of glitter,