As a mom of two active children aged 9 and 17, I’ve had my fair share of trips to the ER and a host of medical woes. This is something that all parents share as we rear our kids. It’s best to be prepared when those times do come. Medical expenses normally eat up 54% of the household monthly budget. This figure may be higher now because of the uncertainty that the pandemic has caused.

Last September 14, AIA Philam Life brand ambassadors Solenn Heusaff and Nico and Bolzico hosted a Facebook Live program aptly titled Tea Time with the Bolzicos. Along with Cebu-based couple/influencers Kriz and Slater Young, Nico and Solenn led the discussion about how it is to raise a young family. ” Just follow whatever your wife says,” Nico repeated many times. There was a lively exchange on the joy of being new parents and also the struggles parents must overcome in caring for months-old babies. Part of the parenthood journey is being financially ready for unexpected medical expenses. Both couples agreed, though, that there’s no better way to meet a medical emergency than to plan ahead.

CEO of AIA Philam Life Kelvin Ang made a short appearance and emphasized how important it is for all families to be covered by insurance plans. The whole world now is suffering from COvid 19 and hospitalization rates are at an all-time high. Nobody can afford to be caught empty-handed or ill-prepared.Meeting the need for a product designed for the care of children, AIA Philam Life recently introduced AIA Med- Assist for Children, its variable life insurance plan with medicalĀ benefit rider to address the hospital expenses of kids aged 0-17 year olds. The product covers 90% of in-patient hospitalization expenses.
Mr. Ang further reiterated, “Our current product is an indication of our commitment to fulfill our our mission of protecting the Filipino families’ from life’s uncertainties. We are one of the ver few companies who offer a product catered especially for children 0-17 years old. For us, it’s a way to bring life to our brand promise of helping Filipinos live healthier, longer and better lives.
Echoing the need for a child-centered insurance policy, Tennyson Paras, AIA Philam Life Head of Products, ” We wanted to offer a product that can give parents peace of mind. With AIA Med-Assist, dadsĀ and moms can now just focus of caring for their children and their recovery.” The product also features a life insurance benefit and an investment fund that can help parents build their own medical fund in the future.
To know more about AIA Med-Assist for children, visit the AIA Philam Life /website at, FB page, or email [email protected]. You may also call (02)8528-2000 .
With a pocketful of glitter,