We wipe everything with alcohol, put things under the sun to kill whatever bacteria is present, and spray Lysol on non-edible deliveries or purchases. These are just some of the practices we’ve been religiously doing since the pandemic started. But how do we ensure that the inside of our homes are safe as well? I’ve featured the UVKleene Wand (handy to be carried around to supermarkets, restaurants, offices, banks, and the first defense when you get deliveries) and Area Sterilizer (perfect for small areas, offices, rooms) in a previous post. Now, I’m sharing the latest product from the brand — the Anion Air Purifier with 7 Stage Purification.
Each screen is built-in to remove harmful chemicals, dust mites, mold, bacteria, viruses, pollen, smoke, pet dander and other airborne pathogens!

Its name already says what it does but how does it accomplish this feat exactly? In the simplest of terms it combines six layers of filters (Pre filter, HEPA13, Carbon, Photocaralysis, Cold Catalyst, Anion) with a big UVC lamp in one machine. Each screen is built-in to remove harmful chemicals, dust mites, mold, bacteria, viruses, pollen, smoke, pet dander and other airborne pathogens!
Since getting this machine, I’ve really put it to work. All I had to do was remove the front panel, take out the filter from the packaging bag and put back the front casing. Next, I had to plug the power cord, press the ON button lightly and wait for the AUTO icon to pop up on the screen. At first, you’ll notice “disco lights” flashing as my daughter calls it. The line on the screen will alternate (red, orange, and finally green). Green means that the air is clean.

I use it in ALL of the rooms in the house. At night, I leave it on while we sleep in the master’s bedroom. Recently, I’ve done the same thing (leaving it on overnight) and used it in my son’s bedroom. All mothers know how smelly boys’ rooms can be. Since he’s home 24/7 and holed up in his room most of the time, the space really needed extra sanitizing.

I have brought it downstairs with me and used it in the living room, kitchen, theatre room and my husband’s office. Just remember to unplug it after use and not let the cord drag while moving it from one place to another.
The Busy Queen P Highly Recommends The UVKleene Anion Air Purifier 7 Stage Purification
One thing that you won’t miss about this machine is that it’s very quiet. There’s no whirring sound of any sort that’s why it’s ideal to use while you sleep. I’ve also noticed that it’s effective in putting allergic rhinitis at bay. My nose started to feel itchy the other day and I was sneezing for a bit. After taking some organic meds and putting nasal spray, I turned on the UVKleene Air Purifier. Slept like a baby!
It’s very important to stay healthy during these trying times. Drink plenty of water, exercise, eat lots of fruits and vegetables. Invest in safety and get a UVKleene Air Purifier for your home.
For more inquiries on the product, please visit @uvkleene on Instagram and Facebook.
With a pocketful of glitter,