Growing up my parents were very frugal. Each expense was thought out. I remember my mom always in a bent down position on a table writing earnestly. She always made lists. Grocery lists, dates of when tuition fees were due, weekly allowance etc. We were a middle class family, and from an early age, I was taught the importance of saving.
At seven, my mom brought me to the bank to open a Happy Saver’s Club account. She put in P100 as an initial deposit. I would save my weekly allowance and at the end of the month, I would deposit anywhere between P10 – P15 to add to my fund. That was a lot back then. Preparing for the future was something ingrained in me by both my parents. Waste not, want not.
Now that I’m a parent myself, I try to impart the same values to my children. My teenage son has a bank account of his own. ( I have yet to open one for my 9year old daughter). My husband and I also bought insurance policies. In these times, it is better to be prepared for ay circumstance. Preparation saves those who are in need from needless worry.
That is why AIA Philamlife has an All-In-One 5-10 year pay insurance. With this product, you get protected from the four major risks in life : untimely death, accidents, disability and critical illnesses. This enables you to protect your loved ones and live a less worrisome life. The all-in-one protection includes comprehensive life insurance coverage, together with total and permanent disability coverage, critical illness coverage and personal accidents benefits.

Your coverage is not affected by market risks so you are assured of getting the full benefits when the need arises. Insurable age is from 18-60 years old and coverage is up to 100 years old. Upon reaching the milestone age of 100, you can get the total face amount less interest or loans.
Life insurance for your loved ones could reach up to 5x the amount you paid , and twice the amount if it is due to an accident. You may avail of a 5 or 10 year payment scheme. The last year of payment for premium is free.
Availing of this will also entitle you to be part of a wellness program powered by Philam Vitality. It will greatly help you improve your health and be informed on how to live an active lifestyle.
To know more about AIA 5/10 year pay insurance, consult with a Philamlife Financial Advisor now. You may also visit Philamlife’s Facebook page , email [email protected], or call (02) 8528-2000 .
With a pocketful of glitter,