Out of all the Marvel heroes, my son M likes IRONMAN the most. I think it’s because he identifies himself with Tony Stark, the man behind the iron mask. With no special powers from a ring (like Green Lantern) and not having been bitten by a lab spider (like Spiderman), Tony Stark’s power comes from having a brilliant mind. He is good-looking, rich, kind-hearted at the core and seems to have a humorous but dead-on point of view about everything. I remember M chuckling inside the movie house after Robert Downey Jr. said, “ My old man had a philosophy : peace means having a bigger stick than the other guy.“

It was really quite a surprise when we saw the INNOVENTIONS attraction at Disneyland Anaheim. Expecting to see only Mickey, the Disney Princesses and Santa (because it was Christmastime), my boy shouted “Look Dad, they have an Ironman show!” We hurriedly went up the three- storey winding platform and “gasp” – caught the Marvel-ous show .

Fronting the attraction is a display of different Ironman prototypes. M looked at each one and for the first time he said ,”Mom , please take my picture!.. I’ll pose anywhere you like!” 🙂
Then it was time for M to become IRONMAN. Hubby A and I were very happy to see M all excited and giddy as he followed the park attendant. First, he was asked to stand still and then move his arms slowly in an up and down motion so the machine can plot his body.

Then it was time for the virtual reality experience. Piece by piece the machine put the Ironman steel costume on M. His smile grew bigger and bigger and his eyes were in total amazement as this was happening.

After M was finished becoming Ironman, the mood was set for the day. He said, “Ok I’m ready to meet the Disney Princesses !” So with that, we headed back to the main grounds. Big brother M was more than happy to accompany his little sister watch the Disney parade. 🙂
Stay tuned for my DISNEYLAND theme park review PART TWO! Coming up very soon!
Wow! That was cool M! I can see your big smiles. :). That was a good experience that you’ll treasure for a life time. 🙂
That was really amazing M. Thumbs up! 🙂
M read this post and still had a big smile on his face.:) Thanks for the comment Mr. ROB!
It sure was a fun experience! Thanks Zetti! 🙂
I know how happy M is…It can be be seen with his big smile
A surreal dream for M!
What a fulfilling moment for M experiencing the virtual thing becoming an IRONMAN. My son Echo would definitely like this as this is also his favourite Marvel Super Hero.
For an “ARMOUR ON” is it also allowed for an adult? I’d like also to experience it……hehehe!
Yes, the virtual experience is open to kids and adults alike! Actually there were more grown-ups than kids when we lined up. I’m sure you and your son will have a fun time . Thanks for the comment!
I have a friend who’s a suuuuper big fan of Ironman! I think he should try this. 🙂
Ironman is my dream guy. M you will win any girl’s ❤ in the future ✅ stay awesome!
Hahaha! I have to prepare for the “girls” in M’s future! 🙂
Each boy has his own superhero. My son, Daniel Harold, followed Harry Potter! Ha ha ha! Ironic huh? Daniel Harold following Daniel Radcliff(e?). We can not question our kids’ hero worship, I guess. They see something in a character that identifies them to such. We were that way, too, I suppose. Bet you didn’t know that I always dreamt I was Wonder Woman, eh Paulyne? Ha ha ha! To superheroes then and now, keep inspiring our children!
Wonderwoman? I never would have guessed that in a million years! I identified with Nancy Drew. 🙂 As long as the children look up to positive role models, I’m okay with that.